Saturday, September 8, 2012

I will survive!

This was such a good week!
I had to move host families on Monday as my other host family got a little strange..but my new host family is so great! I watch telenovelas with my host sister and she helps me with my homework. And they have 8 rabbits, and one baby bunny that I am slightly obsessed with. On Monday night, my sister and I watched the volcano near Antigua have a mini eruption, we could actually see the lava going down the mountain! It was so cool!
Language school is going great, my teacher is so funny! Yesterday I was telling her about the telenovela that I have become obsessed with, and she fell out of her chair because she was leaning forward to hear me!
Annie, Rachel, Kate and I have made friends with three girls that make tortillas and they taught us how to make them, not as easy as it looks!
I have aquired about four thousand mosquite bites..lovely!!
I took a salsa class with the other kids from language school on Wednesday. The teacher was a typico Latino salsa man..kind of creepy! He had long hair slicked back and his shirt unbuttoned and he kept winking at Annie.. but the dancing part was kind of fun!
Also my feet have never smelled as bad as they do great...
I learned how to handwash my clothes in a pila , it´s like a stone wash bin tub thing. My mom hung my clean laundry up on the roof to dry, including my underwear. It is still up there as I keep forgetting to take it down before it rains. Oh well! Being in the Guate has definitely made me more flexible!

Now for some pictures!
This is the view from this cross on a mountain by Antigua
Furry fruit!



Kate plunging the broken toilet


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