Monday, March 11, 2013

Six Months

It's really good that I am not a professional blogger, as updating once a month would earn me about zero dollars.

Anyways, lets see what has been going on..
I have been working about 50,000 hours a week, which means that I usually sit at a desk all day and do nothing. How typical.

I was planning on just looking in my journal to see what I was going to blog about, but it seems that I have not written in my journal in about two months. Also typical.

We celebrated valentine's day at school, Dia del Carino, except the n has the little squiggly over it which I cannot find on this computer. I received a teddy bear and a note from a student asking me if I liked him. My U.S. mom thought it was cute until I told her how old the student was. In case you were wondering, he is not a little kid. It was a bit awkward. Anyways.

Also some of the teenage boys decided to pierce their ears with a needle in class, so that was a lovely experience.

I have been in the Guate for over six months, which is absolutely insane. Time is just flying by! I really thought I would be miserable and counting down the days until I return and weeping all the time, but I have yet to weep at all! And for those of you that know me real well, I make countdown calendars for everything and I have not made one for my return!

I have made a list of "you know you've been in the guate for too long when". I got my inspiration from the "you know you're a redneck when" jokes by Michael Foxworthy. Anyways, here they are. You probably won't understand them unless you have been to the Guate, but I still think they are entertaining.

You know you have been in the Guate too long when:
-you don't think twice about eating candy from the bus ayudante (the guy that takes your money on the bus)
- you try to hot glue ten dollar target sandals back together
- you eat your pasta with a tortilla instead of a spoon
- you eat your salad witha tortilla instead of a fork
- you stop using utensils altogether
- you no longer care if your pants are zipped or not
- you can go to the bathroom anytime, anywhere
- you buy food on the bus from strangers

I am sure I will think of more at some point, I just find myself so hilarious!

Also, we went to Belize for our six month retreat! It was sooo amazing!!
This is us on the boat in Belize! We went snorkeling off the coast with sea turtles and fishies and sting rays and sharks! It was so amazing!
The YAVs and I relaxing on the was white sand! Soooo pretty!
I love Guatemala, but I also love Belize. Belize was a lot cleaner than Guatemala, and people seemed a lot less afraid than the do in the Guate.
In other news, I tried liver last week. This is it raw. I touched it. I tried it cooked though, do not worry. It was very soft. I think I will stay away from it in the future.
That is all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Its crazy how I can read this and hear you exactly how you would say this in person... I hope your having an amazing time and So glad you havent been weeping! also... how old was this kid/man that asked if you liked him? hahah

